An opportunity for every Indian blogger to get published!

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
12 years ago


On August 15 2012, on our independence day and IndiBlogger’s 5th anniversary, comes an opportunity for every Indian blogger to get published! Smile in association with HarperCollins will give you insight and a whole new perspective of the world of publishing. Submit your own stories, learn from the authors, talk to the editors, join a social community of book lovers and see your work in print.

Do help us spread the word, and get Yash Lal's book to start your first review:

Keep blogging!

Replies 61 to 80 of 197 Ascending
Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
11 years ago

@Stories .. The result is NOT going to be out on April 30 .. It will take more time. We will inform everyone on the NEXT STEPS sometime in the first week of may :-)

from Chennai
11 years ago

Results by April 30th? That seems pretty quick. Any idea how many of the shortlisted ideas were submitted? 

asteria is here..
asteria is here..
from mumbai
11 years ago

pooja, even I foolishly thought I could crunch down 7 years in 3000-4000 words, ignorant me....:P

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
11 years ago

HahahaLaughing. 7years is little actually. I wanted to write the story about my Brother and Bhabhi. They were friends since Childhood but fell in love after 15-16yearsUndecided. Imagine putting that in 4000 wordsYell

from Raleigh
11 years ago

Poo, may be you should start writing a novel soon ;)

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Planning on it SteLaughing. Have everything plannedWinkWaiting for holidays so I can startCool

from Chennai
11 years ago

Rio, it depends too much masala and no meat makes for a yucky treat :)

It depends on the reader too how much spice he/she can handle

@Pooja : yea the time given to submit the idea and promote it was sooooo long compared to the time for actual story completion. Though I wrote my full story when I wrote the idea itself, I had to scamper my editing at last moment.

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
11 years ago

It was not that actually. I thought the 3000-4000word limit was too lessUndecided. My story will never fitLaughingSo I backed out lol

Pooja Pradeep
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Is it funny how I promoted my plot crazily, but finally ended up not sending the story?SurprisedTongue out

You could have hired me as editor, and i would have sliced it to fit the word limit. But You can see my credentials, my plot was rejected. I am so happy for it now.
Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I wouldn't allow anyone to slice it RioCoolTongue out. I would like it to be as it isLaughing. I'll find some other publisher, or go to Harper Collins indirectlyTongue outTongue out

All writerz need to get past the editors, if they wanna get published.

Pooja Pradeep
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Yes, but they wouldn't slice it offSurprisedThey'll just make some changes and stuff.

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
11 years ago
Lol! If that helps! :-)
from Chennai
11 years ago

I am surprised that most people had to cut down words. I am on the other side I had hardly 2200 words and brough it up to 2600+ but could not do more. So I left it. rules I guess say within 3000-4000.

Quite strange that it seems only I am on the other side, maybe I really don't have a big story to tell.

vaikunth, thoda mirch masala add hone  se spicy treat  hota for world to read.

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
11 years ago
Hey all :-) This phase is definitely going to take some time for us to go through and figure out the ideal next steps. We will keep you updated once we get the dates fixed.
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Yeah! It would be a help if you said something like June 30th or July 31st - so that we can shelve this for the time being and get on with our lives Tongue out

C. Suresh
C. Suresh
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Well! Phase-II over and, up to now, we knew what were the timelines for the phases. Now is there no guideline ahead? Is there a date by which the next short-list of 50 gets announced? And, pray, what needs be done after that point by those lucky short-listed writers to get to the final stage?

I am surprised that there is no announcement about the number of stories received and the next deadline.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

And it is still open like some of the contests in the past.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

earlier they had to read just 500 words they have to read almost 4000 wordies so I guess thats why they are taking their time.

Easwar Arumugam
Easwar Arumugam
from Chennai
11 years ago

feel like that nandini; been editing and editing and i don't know where to stop it; when to stop it, i should stop it at least before 31st march. god save me.

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Yeah. That is why I did 2 rounds of thorough editing (almost re-wrote the entire story) for both my stories and then chucked it in and forgot about it. 

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

did crazy chopping still 10 words story is looking like a cyclone victim now :D

from Raleigh
11 years ago

Editing is a skill. I was like found it difficult to  bring my story to some 3980 from 4500. Indeed a difficult task! sigh!

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

In future, if you like, I can help you guys in editing. I have professional editing experience of 5 years Smile Yeah, but i am bit harsh when it comes to grammar errors and punctuation errors (I simply don't get how writers can suck at writing), so most of the times my writiers hate me Cry

from Chennai
11 years ago

Looks like it is so easy to have 'story ideas'. When it comes to actually writing the story, we all get stuck. Out of the 250 shortlisted ones, I'm sure not everyone will submit their complete stories by the deadline. I'm not submitting my second story. Too complicated.  Hope that makes the final shortlisting easier with fewer entries. *fingers crossed*

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

writing is not so difficult....its editing and snipping it to a word limit which is more tricky

from Mumbai
11 years ago

seriously i can relate with ranjit and anukriti... And i have around two stories to complete... And the word count is driving me crazy..... wish they could extend it by few days :-/

will 78 extra words make a difference @Renie :P

And i would be travelling on 31st :(.. since am in the USA the time zone is an other concern for me... 


ok coming back to the word count would 78 extra words make a difference... am trying to reduce it though :(


Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

i have extra 100 words and i'm just too confused how to chop odd little story will become more odd if i were to snip it :/

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

75-100 words is not too difficult to remove. You don't have to remove any content to remove 100 words. If you just read through, you will find sentences you can reword and remove 4-5 words. Just do that for 20 sentences and you get rid of 100 words withour losing content.

Fairy Princess
from Delhi
11 years ago

I know i am bit late but for future reference, in this types of cases, using American English is perfect. It will chop away unncessary prepositions and things like that.

Renie Ravin
Renie Ravin
from Chennai
11 years ago

Don't worry about the wrong word count - we'll use the same word count as MS-Word when we verify the stories!

Anukriti Sharma
Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
11 years ago

Panic attack! : Is the last date 31st March? If possible, please extend the date. Foot in mouth

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

what were you doing all this time?? sleeping??Tongue outSurprised

Anukriti Sharma
from Hartford
11 years ago

Not sleeping. Was very busy with work. Have completed half the story. Its not that I can't finish the story by Sunday, it is just that a few more extra days would be good.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

ok all the best

from Chennai
11 years ago

So how many of you out of the 250 have submitted your stories? I'm still stuck on my second one. It is turning out to be a novella. Not able to get it within the word limit :(

from hyderabad
11 years ago

I've started writing it an hour back. And I've forgotten what my actual story was! Sealed

Shilpa Jadhav
Shilpa Jadhav
from Navi Mumbai
11 years ago

A very happy anniversary :)

Easwar Arumugam
Easwar Arumugam
from Chennai
11 years ago

Thanks Anoop for your highlight. Taking a cue from what you suggest, I think I can do better.

Anoop Zombie
Anoop Zombie
from Bangalore
11 years ago

Hey all,

regarding the word count: It is a short story, so its a challenge in itself. 3000 - 4000 is the maximum word limit. We will look into the word difference issue, so for now, a 100 odd word difference should be fine.

Even if you feel you have completed your story, It would be best if you keep making improvements until the last possible moment.

Below is a comment that I made on the GetPublished forum; I am sharing that here,

"Also, a note to all, Writing is a very serious process. If you are keen on getting published. I would suggest that everyone seek professional help if possible either online or through some established short story authors. Short story writing is a very tough art so getting your friends and family to read your finished story and give you suggestions may not be a bad idea. You will have to get used to some harsh critics though :-). The final stories that you write will be read by trained eyes with many years of experience and  a story may not be picked for reasons that we cannot fathom, so we must be thorough.Millions of stories are sent to publishers in India and very few make it. We have better odds I suppose. There are about 25 days left and that's all the time left to put together a story that is well written, so please do take all the help you can get and write down your masterpiece."

Looking forward to reading your story and Godspeed!

Hi, anoop,

I submitted my post, Word count is 3445. on the submission page it is 4168. why is this difference, it is not only me others are also facing the same, see the above comments. please resolve this, do not send us panic at this stage. :)


Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

is my mc office different than others?? my ms word it shows higher count and in submission window it shows lesser, while for others in ms word shows less and submission window it shows more!???

Richa Singh
Richa Singh
from Pune
11 years ago

I need help from the admin, my story may shoot up to reach 4500 words. Please tell me if its acceptable, because if its not then I may have to shorted things a little, may compromise on the quality then. It would go a long way if anyone from indiblogger or harper collins could help me with it. 

TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I had the same issue. Had to struggle hard to squeeze it into word limit. But somehow managed. Let us see what they say. 

from Raleigh
11 years ago

Hmm ! I too faced similar issues. It is difficult to refine the story at a point when you feel that everything is perfect :D I found it difficult too.... :D

TF Carthick
TF Carthick
from Bangalore
11 years ago

I had a small issue. In MS Word, my story word count shows as 3993 while in the submission window it shows as 4057. Don't know what is the issue. I hope that does not lead to disqualification of my entry.

Nandini Deka
from Bombay
11 years ago

i had opposite issue. in ms doc it showed 4000 but the submission window it showed i thought to type some more but now in ms doc when i checked it shows 4126 whereas in submission window it shows which word count is right???

HI I am also having the same problem.On my Word the count is 3445. on the wubmission window 4168.

I think the indi bloggers should tell us something about it. that is clearly a technical error. but it can send you panic, at this time.


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